What Are You Hanging On To?
What if letting go of hurt and resentment was a process similar to letting go of an old pair of shoes? Admittedly, it’s not so simple. But some of the same principles can be applied.
Boundary Setting
Coaching is more than just problem solving. By looking a little deeper than the presenting problem, deeper problems can be illumnated and resolved. Often boundaries are used to manage a challenge. But what if you could just resolve it once and for all?
Mediating Internal Conflict
Internal conflict can create dysfuncition and lack of clarity. It can make it difficult to make good decisions. What if you had a quick and reliable way to resolve inner conflict?
Using IFS to Enhance Recovery
It’s time to redefine recovery. Discover how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy can transform your healing journey. Start your path to inner harmony and healing with IFS today!
Mr. Nice Guy and the Angry Fifteen-Year-Old
What’s wrong with being a nice guy? Nothing in and of itself. But when being a nice guy (or girl) is a strategy to accomplish a hidden agenda, there’s a problem.