March 26
Join us as we practice using the Internal Family Systems model (IFS) for healing and personal development. During each session, we use one of 22 exercises from the soon to be published Parts Guidebook.
There is no cost or obligation to attend these practice sessions.
Parts Work Practice Wednesday
April 1
Are you a therapist, coach, or IFS practitioner who might benefit from participation in an IFS Coaching Group? This is a safe space to do your own work so you can expand your capacity to work with others. Participate for free during the month of April.
Parts Work for Practioners Coaching Group
April 2
Restore wholeness using the IFS model. This group is exclusively for women in recovery from painful beliefs formed in dysfunction and managed by addictive behavior.
As of March 5, there is one open spot in this group.
Women’s Recovery Group
April 3
Participants in this group are well acquainted with the Internal Family Systems model and are now applying it to personal development and growth.
As of March 5, there is one open spot in this group.
IFS Masters Group

April 5 - Parts Work Online Unconference
An opportunity to take part in self-organized participatory group and focused sessions, to meet people interested in existing and emergent IFS topics ranging from “IFS and coaching” to “IFS and parenting”, to “IFS informed cooking”, to "partsworkers of the world, unite!" (the sky is the limit!).
Bill Tierney is co-authoring the Parts Guidebook which contains 22 exercises the authors have created. These exercises help participants practice using the IFS model for their own healing, growth, and personal development. Both Bill and one of the other authors, Islena Faircrest will be facilitating an exercise from the Parts Guidebook for this free event.
To learn more go to
April 6
Join us as we practice using the Internal Family Systems model (IFS) for healing and personal development. During each session, we use one of 22 exercises from the soon to be published Parts Guidebook.
There is no cost or obligation to attend these practice sessions.
Parts Work Practice Sunday
April 15
Are you a therapist, coach, or IFS practitioner who might benefit from participation in an IFS Coaching Group? This is a safe space to do your own work so you can expand your capacity to work with others. Participate for free during the month of April.
Parts Work for Practioners Coaching Group
April 22
Are you a therapist, coach, or IFS practitioner who might benefit from participation in an IFS Coaching Group? This is a safe space to do your own work so you can expand your capacity to work with others. Participate for free during the month of April.
Parts Work for Practioners Coaching Group