IFS Masters
Coaching Group
Develop greater capacity for presence and
possibility using the IFS model
If you're already familiar with the IFS model and want to master its practical application to your life, this may be your group.
In the IFS Masters Group, you will be joined by fellow participants who have embraced IFS to help them navigate the world of present realilty and future possibility.
Ultimately, that’s what IFS can help us all achieve. Once we have moved from the world of suffering, struggling, and suriviving and have developed enough Self-leadership to stand solidly in present reality, we can lean toward the future with the full support of our internal families of parts.
Of course, you will continue to discover parts that get scared and worried. You will still find parts that are hurt and ashamed. As always, all parts are welcome. Participants in the IFS Masters Coaching group find support to expand their capacity and create a future that was previously impossible. Put your healing to work and start enjoying this amazing life!
Build confidence: As more of your parts become Self-energized, they develop healthy relationships with each other. The result is a confident and clear you.
Experience more joy: Deliberate and intentional growth and healing will help you tap into innate joy that’s always been there - no matter what’s happened in the past.
Build resilience: As your parts are supported in this powerful group, they grow accustommed to the freedom found in the expanded capacity of Self-energy. Life may continue to challenge you - but you’ll have the capacity and resilience to stay in the flow.
Enjoy inner peace: Achieve a deeper sense of calm and presence in your daily life.
Reclaim your Self. Relax into presence. Lean into possibility.
Together, we’ll use the power of IFS to strengthen the connection with the person you were always meant to be.
What people are saying
Bill’s coaching helped me use IFS principles to overcome performance anxiety! My Authentic Self has become unlocked – allowing me to joyfully express myself in public performances as a musician and songwriter, without that haunting self-criticism!
Walt Lofstrom Liberty Lake, WA
Through Bill's high-level coaching expertise, guidance, and live demonstrations, I have been able to identify key players that are conflicted with my external goals.
Autumn Stenberg, Spokane
Thanks for yesterday's Intro to IFS group. As you've underscored, IFS is an effortless and quick way to get right in there and do what needs to be done. Thank you for your guidance and facilitation that opens the possibility.
Brad N, San Carlos California
Personal Development, Growth and Healing for seasoned users of the IFS model. Participants will learn to
Recognize the influence of their parts
Detect and unblend from parts
Learn to speak for parts rather from them
Learn how to go inside to develop relationships with their parts
All of this will help the participant develop Self-leadership which, in the IFS model is the path to authenticity and so much more.
After a lifetime of survival strategies designed to get love, approval, and appreciation, participants in this group have done enough inner healing work to build inner capacity to relax into the present moment most of the time.
It’s now time to use Self-energy to live the life that was previously impossible.
Participants bring their trailheads to build even more trust and Self-energy to live a new life of possibility from the inside out.
When your focus is primarily on your external world, the circumstances of life are in control of your inner state. By expanding your capaicity to direct your conscious attention inwardly you will focus on the parts of you that generate the quality of all experiences.
The IFS model helps participants focus inside on the parts that influence their thoughts, emotions, and actions. This is a compassionate approach that helps us befriend, help, and form alliances with parts so they can do what they do best - help us live our lives. Parts that get stuck in the past provide ineffective and problematic help because they are reacting to what happened in the past and are unable to respond in ways that reflect current reality. They unintentionally recreate the past until they become unburdened and updated. Once this happens, our parts can partner with us in the present moment to help us live as the best and highest versions of ourselves. The IFS Masters Coaching Group helps participants continue this journey of healing and personal development.
This group is for those who have been using the IFS model in therapy, in coaching, with a practitioner, or alone for healing, growth and personal development for two years or more.
Familiarity with the model is key but perfect application of it is not expected. We will spend our time practicing the model and applying it to our lives.
Each session is 90-minutes long. Groups meet most weeks at on the same day and time and meet three times a month (coach will post schedule at least 30 days in advance). Participants agree to confidentiality and other safety protocols which make it possible to experience the discomfort of trying something different.
Sessions begin with a guided internal check-in followed by a one or two minute external check-in.
The bulk of the session is spent in discussion, exploration, and learning. Two sessions per month are used for Coaching Spotlights where the group facilitator works with one of the participants using the IFS model. The remaining participants self-observe during this work (about 45 minutes) and will have an opportunity to report what they noticed to the rest of the group.
Sessions begin and end on time.
Sessions end with “takeaways”
There is no required homework but participants are provided with articles and exercises that will support their experience.
Each participant is asked to have a 20 minute conversation with me to determine readiness and fit for the group experience.
Best fit is for those who are already familiar with the model and are accustomed to viewing their lives through the lens of parts and IFS.
The initial commitment is for three months. Participants are asked to provide 30-days notice if the intend to exit the group. Otherwise, participants are welcome to continue on a month to month basis.
The initial cost is $700 for the first three months. After that, clients prepay for each month by the first day of the month at $250 per month.
The IFS Masters Coaching Group meets on Thursdays from 9 AM to 10:30 AM PST three weeks out of every month.
Session dates are provided for the next three to four months.
There will be between four and eight group participants.
The group will be coached by me, Bill Tierney.
Group sessions are held on Zoom.
Yes, sessions are recorded and can be viewed only by those who are registered for the group.
Safety agreements - You are joining this group because you want something to change or improve in your life. To get different results, you will need to learn new skills. The goal of the group is to develop and increase Self-leadership. That means learning and practicing new ways of relating to yourself and responding to life. You will learn about the IFS model and how to apply it to your life. Since we will be meeting weekly, you will be able to apply what you learn to the circumstances of your life. Learning and practicing anything new can create discomfort. You can’t expect yourself to do what is uncomfortable unless you feel safe enough. So, in this group, we will build safety through agreements and structure. Here are the group agreements.
Confidentiality - honor the other participants in the group by keeping their participation in the group and anything they say in group sessions confidential.
You have access to a Google document that I take notes in. You have commenter privileges. Keep this document private and honor confidentiality.
Plan ahead so you can have reliable internet and privacy during sessions
Sessions are recorded - sessions will be stored in a Google drive folder and will be available to participants only. As new members join, a new folder is created to keep previous recordings confidential.
When viewing or listening to a recorded session, do so in full privacy. Do not share recorded sessions with anyone else.
Do not screen record, screen capture, or audio record sessions by any means.
If you notice I have forgotten to record, please remind me to do so.
I may use portions of recorded sessions limited to my voice and images for marketing purposes but participant voices and images will never be included in marketing videos, audios, or written descriptions.
Responsibility for your own experience - Please do not share advice or feedback to other participants. During sessions, before referencing something someone else in the session has shared, ask their permission. Drawing attention to the share of another can diminish the sense of safety for others in the group, even if it feels like a positive reflection. When sharing, be intentional and speak for your own experience and for your parts.
In this group, participants do not confront or challenge each other. Your healing and growth will be a result of your willingness and ability to focus on yourself and your experience.
Participants do not give advice or feedback to other participants.
Be on time - I am committed to starting and ending sessions on time and ask that you arrive in sessions on time.
You will receive reminders with zoom links but take responsibility for being here on time and prioritize these sessions over other optional appointments and activities. Reserve the time in your calendar and limit potential distractions during sessions
If you know you will miss or be late for a session or plan to leave a session early, please notify me.
Honor the clock - I will use an online clock throughout the session to manage time and to provide space for everyone to have an equal opportunity to share. When time has elapsed, the timer will change color and emit an audible beep. Wrap up your share within 5 seconds of elapsed time.
Bill is coach - Bill has permission to offer coaching during sessions. This may consist of offers, observations, requests, and facilitated explorations.
You are always at choice but please remain coachable - this means you are open to be coached even if you decline my offers or requests. As you participate in the group, consider your own safety and the safety of the group.
Coaching Fees
Group Coaching
Three 90-Minute Group Sessions Per Month
$700 Intial deposit pays for your first three months
$250 Per month after your initial commitment
Individual Coaching
55-minute sessions
For Active Group Participants* $250 per session
All Others $400 per session
*Departing group participants may schedule sessions at this rate for up to 90 days after active participation in a group.