Compassionate Results Coaching

By a Certified IFS Practioner and Compassionate Results Coach

What if you could have the life you want without so much work?

Most of us try to change from the outside-in. We try to change what is happening outside so we can feel better inside.

Exhausting ! This approach is unsustainable because it focuses so much energy and attention on what we have so little control over.

Using the IFS Model in a group setting, I help you work with what is going on inside so you don’t have to work so hard to have:

  • Improved Health

  • More income

  • Better focus

  • More confidence

  • More ease

  • Better relationships

  • A more fulfilling career

  • Expanded leadership capacity

  • A more profitable business

I help my clients to a better life from the inside out.

A man, standing  near the edge of a cliff at sunset.

Is Compassionate Results Coaching for you?

As you begin to understand yourself and the parts of you that influence your thoughts, emotiions, impulses, behaviors, and perspective, transformation begins.

I am a Compassionate Results Coach. I help people get the results they want using a the most powerful coaching tool I’ve ever found; Internal Family Systems (IFS).

IFS is a therapy model that I use in my coaching groups. Participants in my groups have done enough personal healing work that they are no longer reacting to life with a perspective that is blurred by the unresolved past.

If your default experience of life is dominated by suffering and struggling to survive and stay safe, coaching may not be the best choice for you yet. Still, let’s talk. I can refer you to an IFS-trained therapist or practitioner.

If you have the capacity to envision a future full of inspiring possibility, even if you struggle to take the actions that will get you there, Compassionate Results Coaching may be a good fit for you.

“There has to be more!”

You have achieved what you thought would make you happy and fulfilled, you are still searching for something, hoping you will know what you are looking for once you find it.

No matter how hard you try to make adjustments in life, an internal dissatisfaction gnaws at you. You’ve grown tired of the chase and want help. You want lasting results. You want success that feels good on the inside and you want the results to last without having to keep working feverishly to hang on to them.

Success Stories

Some examples of people I have helped.

  • A woman who found true recovery after struggling with a problem with alcohol for years

  • A successful corporate executive who learned how to connect with their kids

  • A nice guy who learned how to get real with their spouse without turning into an a**hole

  • A woman who overcame her scarcity mindset

  • Men and women who no longer struggle to adult

  • Coaches, practitioners, and therapists who found connection and support in a group of peers

As a Results Coach, I have never found anything more effective the the Internal Family Systems model to help people get the results they want.

I was a guest on a the Souled Out Podcast recently. During this 17 minute episode, I explained how I use IFS to help my coaching clients.

What my clients are saying

My clients learn to live a life they love by accessing inner resources they need for lasting results.