Parts Work Practice
Sunday Information
The focus for this practice session will be: Exercise 22, Mediating Polarizations
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Sunday Session Agenda
8:58 PM Pacific Time Zone - Open Main Room
9:00 Start Meditation
9:05 Introduce volunteers
9:10 Meeting locked
9:10 Acknowledge participants new to Parts Work Practice
9:12 Announcement - confidentiality
9:13 Introduce Exercise (read and summarize)
9:17 I’m noticing a part
9:20 Breakout Rooms - facilitated groups
-Acknowledge participants new to IFS
10:10 Main room discussion
10:28 Closing meditation
10:30 Meeting closed
Important Details:
The group meets from 9:00 to 10:30 AM Pacific on Sundays via Zoom Video Conferencing.
The main room will be opened at 2 minutes before the hour so we can start the meditation on the hour.
The meeting will be locked by 9:10 AM (Pacific) so plan to join before that time. Those who lose internet connection after this time will not be able to rejoin. So be sure you have a strong internet connection so we don’t lose you.
Parts Work Practice sessions are never recorded.
We introduce people to a self-healing journey using The Internal Family Systems model (IFS).
This is not a therapy group, nor is it a 12-Step group. It is not an IFS-sponsored or endorsed group and is not intended to replace IFS training. In this no-cost practice group, we discuss and facilitate the practice of exercises we have created to help you practice connecting with and getting to know your parts.
What you can expect
We meet for 90 minutes via Zoom video conferencing.
One of the Co-leaders or Practice Assistants will guide us in a Parts Check-in meditation.
We usually go into the Breakout rooms of participants who wish to practice the exercise. After the breakout rooms, we will gather again in the main room for discussion.
Here is the Zoom invitation for our meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 967 7308 6386
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Helpful Links
Click this link to access several documents and web pages that will help you know what to expect in Parts Work Practice sessions.
Internal Family Systems and IFS are trademarks of the IFS Institute. Parts Work Practice is not affiliated with the IFS Institute. The guidance and opinions of the CoLeaders and Practice Assistants may not always represent the views or policies of the IFS Institute. Parts Work Practice is not intended as training for the IFS model. For all IFS-endorsed training, please go
If you are interested in talking to me about my coaching services, go to my website at
Contact the Parts Work Practice Volunteer team to schedule professional IFS services. Click here for contact information and a list of services offered.
IFS Recovery Groups
Men's Recovery Group
Women's Recovery Group