Completion is less of an event and more of a process. Acknowledge and complete what has been to make room for what can be.
My “Not Your Typical Leadership Coaching” podcast host Martin Kettelhut and I meet each week to record our conversations about a variety of topics related to life coaching and leadership. When we first decided to do a podcast together, we made a long list of topics we could discuss. But what usually informs the focus for each episode are the conversations we are having that week with our coaching clients.
Boundary Setting
Coaching is more than just problem solving. By looking a little deeper than the presenting problem, deeper problems can be illumnated and resolved. Often boundaries are used to manage a challenge. But what if you could just resolve it once and for all?
Trauma Echoes and Recovery
It’s not just childhood abue and trauma that causes life-long wounds and survival strategies. The IFS model helps heal and update the wounds so we an show up as confident and content adults.
Is this all there is?
With change comes upheaval and disruption which makes the solution feel more painful than the problems sometimes. So why bother? But if we keep searching, we can often find something more on the other side of the discomfort of change.
Recovering from Nice Guy Syndrome
I didn’t know that acting nice and actually being nice were two different states of being. I hated to admit it but when I was acting nice, I was ACTING. What my wife wanted was the real me. But deep down inside I was convinced that the real me wasn’t enough. How could she love someone like me? I didn’t even like me.