Conscious and Unconscious Personal Development
Time goes by. You find a picture of yourself from 20 years ago and realize you are no longer the person you were in the picture. What happened? How did you change? Did you do so on purpose? Or did you simply adapt to the conditions of your life? This article explores conscious and unconscious personal development.
Boundary Setting
Coaching is more than just problem solving. By looking a little deeper than the presenting problem, deeper problems can be illumnated and resolved. Often boundaries are used to manage a challenge. But what if you could just resolve it once and for all?
Self-Love, The Fourth Project
There is a belief that is at the core of many failing relationships. If this belief can be changed, the relationship could be transformed.
Solving the Nice Girl Problem
Nice Guys give to get, a codependent strategey for getting needs met. Nice Girls do it too but in their own ways. Gosha Jacewicz wrote this article of her version of the Nice Girl problem.
Is this all there is?
With change comes upheaval and disruption which makes the solution feel more painful than the problems sometimes. So why bother? But if we keep searching, we can often find something more on the other side of the discomfort of change.
If I’m a Nice Guy, I’ll Get Love, Approval, and Appreciation
The Nice Guy Syndrome starts in childhood as we observe the relationships of adults around us. It’s a maladaptive set of charactaristics and traits employed often by men who are trying not to be like their abusive fathers.
Using IFS to Enhance Recovery
It’s time to redefine recovery. Discover how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy can transform your healing journey. Start your path to inner harmony and healing with IFS today!
Mr. Nice Guy and the Angry Fifteen-Year-Old
What’s wrong with being a nice guy? Nothing in and of itself. But when being a nice guy (or girl) is a strategy to accomplish a hidden agenda, there’s a problem.
How Satisfied are you in Life?
How satisfied are you in these four categories of life? Career, Relationships, Well-Being, and Fun and Joy.