Marty: Welcome everyone to the last episode of the Leadership Coaching Podcast. Um, I am here as always with my dear colleague, bill Tierney. And I'm Martin Kettelhut, and we are at the same time announcing a new. that we will be doing the, in some ways narrower and some ways broader focus. You wanna talk about that bill?
Bill: Yeah, the new podcast will be called The True You Podcast,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: and for those that have been listening for the last 65 or so episodes to the Leadership Coaching Podcast, which started out as the. The not your typical leadership coaching podcast. Uh, we, we often land on this idea of true self, true authentic self or self as referred to in the, uh, IFS model.
So given that, that seems to be where we can continuously go, why not just make that the focus of the podcast?
Marty: Well said.
Bill: still would love to, uh, be, uh, have it in our audience leaders, aspirational leaders, actual leaders, leaders that want to, uh, uh, kind of up their game a bit. Uh, and, but this also opens the door for those that are studying different modalities, using different modalities to try to recover their true, authentic self, including IFS.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: That's what the new, that's what the new podcast will be about, and I'm excited to get started on that next week.
Marty: it'll make even beg your pardon?
Bill: Oh, I see.
Marty: talk.
Bill: Go ahead.
Marty: I think it'll make even better leaders of those who are listening from a leadership point of view out of us
Bill: I believe so too.
Marty: to be our true selves, right? When there's that alignment, the we attract and, and we lead with more strength because of that alignment. So this is the right growth step for the podcast.
Bill: I believe so too. Uh, as you were making that comment, I, I recognized, and this, this will probably be addressed in the process that we have agreed to have to go through today. Uh, and that is that, uh, with the idea that our audience, uh, has been leaders. I've always wanted to, I've always had a part of me that's, that's wanted to make sure that we craft our message for leaders.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: if we get too far in the direction of self and authentic self, and IFS this part always reminds me, Hey, remember that, that the person that's listening to this podcast is a leader or someone that wants to be a leader or wants to improve their leadership, uh, uh, skillset. So let's make sure we bring it back and, uh, and make it relevant to that listener.
I, I believe in the absence of that, uh, that'll open up more space for me. The absence of concern about making sure that I, that we craft our message specifically for leaders, that that'll probably open me up a bit.
Marty: Hmm. Great. Awesome. We want an open bill,
Bill: Not that I don't feel like I've been closed or, or, or guarded, it's just, it uses up maybe just a little tiny bit of my capacity to consciously and constantly be. Aware
Marty: mm-hmm.
Bill: of who we're speaking to in that way.
Marty: Sure. Sure.
Bill: Now we're speaking to human beings because we all have this in common,
Marty: And we're speaking and, and if you are a leader, we're speaking to you in, in very important way. 'cause as, as we just pointed out, you are, you're not aligned with your two self, don't have as much power to lead.
Bill: right?
Marty: Okay? So the, the completion process begins by just acknowledging, are you ready? Willing and able to be complete And for us it's with the Leadership Coaching podcast.
Bill: Right. So are we ready to dive in? And by the way, you're, uh, referencing your own book, uh, to, to get these questions. Is that right?
Marty: And I could put it on the screen if people wanna see that. Um, but it's probably, they'd probably rather see us.
Bill: Well, we and, uh, most people that are, are listening to podcasts listen, and they don't watch. But you can get all of these questions in showed up.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Yeah.
Marty: Some people have watched, I know several people have commented that they watched us on YouTube.
Bill: Oh, great. Yeah.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Good.
Marty: Okay. So are you ready to dive in?
Bill: I am ready to dive in.
Marty: Okay. So, as I said, the, the process begins just by looking and seeing inside. You know, are you, are, are you ready, willing, and able to be complete with this podcast?
Bill: I am. I'd say I'm, I'm even eager given what's coming.
Marty: Well, tell me about that eagerness.
Bill: It's something that, uh, uh, it's an idea that that has percolated in me probably for the last several months. Uh,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: wondered even if, I don't wanna just do a specific IFS podcast, uh, in, in addition to the leadership podcast. So this seems like the beautiful solution that we're, I'm not adding. To, uh, my adding onto my plate of things that I'm need to do in any given week that I can continue to, uh, produce the podcast committing the same amount of time as I have.
And, uh, it's kinda like having my cake and eat it too. I can, I can still do it with you. I can still talk about IFS, but I don't have to do it an additional separate podcast in order to have these conversations. So that's the eagerness.
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So it sounds like part of what there is to complete is that split mindedness that you've had to maintain.
Bill: Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I, uh, as much as I've enjoyed and loved doing this podcast, it, it has felt like a bit of a compromise for me to, to be focused on leadership primarily, rather than, uh, healing and re restoration and recovery of true, authentic self.
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And, and just, you know, this is, this is about us here. Was there anything at that moment where you said, yes to a leadership focused podcast that we need to talk about that that didn't? Like was I pressuring or, or, um, was there something, you know, that, that we weren't conscious of there in that moment when we decided to do leadership and narrow it to that, um,
Bill: Oh, I don't think so. No, I think this has been a 50 50 collaboration as far as I can tell. It's been a 50 50 collaboration and, uh, many of my clients, and maybe I've even said it, I know that I have set it on one of or more of our episodes that I only do what I wanna do. And what that means is that, to the best of my knowledge, I'm doing exactly what I wanna do.
And anytime that I fall under the, uh, illusion that I might be doing something I don't wanna do, all I have to do is slow down and realize, oh, this is something I've chosen. So, no, I'm not, I haven't been to any kind of pressure on your part to do, uh, a leadership podcast when in fact I wanted to do an IFS podcast or a healing podcast
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: focuses on true self.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: it's just, it's time now.
Marty: Okay. All right. It be, it became in, in the last however many weeks.
Bill: That's right. That's right. So how about you? Uh, the, the question is, are you prepared, are you ready to, uh, be complete with the leadership coaching podcast?
Marty: Yes, I am. Uhhuh, not, not, I don't, there's, I don't feel anything in me holding on.
Bill: Yeah. Okay.
Marty: So what, what thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations do you notice when you anticipate being complete with this? What? What do these sensations tell us?
Bill: Yeah, if you're aware of an answer there, I'm, I'm having to just go in and check it out to see if there is any, anything I can distinguish.
Marty: Okay. Yeah, no, it just, it just feels like a, um, like a focusing in. I remember it reminds me when I was, um, I. Well, uh, it was definitely before I was in high school, so I was maybe middle school or maybe sixth grade. I don't remember, but my parents gave me a microscope
Bill: Hmm. Mm-hmm.
Marty: and I was so excited. I took the plants from my aquarium and I looked at the leaves under the microscope and. I remember there was a, a, a bug crawling across the floor in the basement. And I brought it up and I looked at, it's close into the microscope and I even took, uh, a class on how to use the microscope. They had a gifted program for in summer at, at the high school. I wasn't even in high school yet, and I got to go to this program and I took the course on using a Microsoft. Long story short, this feels like a. A like really focusing in and getting a really uh, better view of what the leadership coaching podcast was ultimately about. Anyway,
Bill: Right? Yes. So you're, uh, what you're noticing. The question was what thoughts, emotions, body sensations.
Marty: so, and, and that's, it's like this fluttering this excitement in my chest.
Bill: Mm-hmm. Similar to what you felt when you got the microscope and began to learn on how to use, learn about how to use it.
Marty: Yes,
Bill: That's, that's, I love that story, by the way. I hadn't heard that story before. That's, that's, that's great. And it doesn't surprise me that that's the, that's the young man that you were growing up.
Marty: nerd. The word for
Bill: Oh, I wasn't, I wouldn't say that. I, I wouldn't say maybe, maybe, you know, maybe others would, maybe, uh, your high school friends would've, or your grade school friends would've called you a nerd. I think it's great. Um, so for me it's, it's, I think that word eager, really probably is, is the best word for it.
Kathy, my wife and I have been, uh, catching ourselves with trying to have more precise language. And I had noticed probably six months ago that I would use the word eager, excuse me. I would use the word anxious and to mean both. Excited, eager, and worried. I'm feeling some an, I'm feeling kind of anxious about this.
I'm worried,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: and I'm really anxious for this next podcast. I would've used it the exact same way.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Uh, so now when I say eager, that's, that's distinguishing the difference. I, I don't feel anxious. I'm not worried about this. I'm,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: I'm excited. I'm eager. I am. Um, I've got lots of energy for it. Uh, I'm, I'm beginning to imagine you and I have, uh, uh, an appointment again on Friday to talk more about the planning for the new podcast.
Uh, I've put some time and energy into looking at the calendar of events and what's next and what, what needs to happen. And I've been working with my virtual assistant on developing the intros, the outros, the music, and that's stuff that you and I will look at. So excited and eager, but I Is what I'm feeling.
Marty: Yeah, I like the new music we picked out.
Bill: Yeah, me too. Me too.
Marty: Oh, it's fun. It's so fun. Great. Anything else about the, the sensations? Um, let me just check in with myself.
Bill: You know, it feels, uh, when you refer to the music. Uh, and, and I just kind of heard the echoes of what I had just shared with you about my excitement and the activity in the room that I have to, to be focused on this. As you know, I've got a lot of projects going on, and this is currently probably the, the, the project that I am the most excited about.
I have a one project that is a little bit like a half to project, but I'm choosing to, I get it. I'm doing it because I wanna do it, and that is just to co get enough continuing education so I can become re-certified as a certified IFS practitioner.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: a project and I've got energy for it, and I'm, I'm interested, I'm learning some things because I'm studying about addictive processes and the IFS model and trauma.
It's all very interesting to me. So that's one level of interest. I am writing my book really liking that project as well. That's another level of interest, but this really has a shorter term, uh, requirement of, of energy and capacity coming from me, and I am fully invested and committed at that, that level.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: It feels like a creative, it feels creative. Re
Marty: Yes.
Bill: a reinvention, a creative building onto what we've already built, which has been great.
Marty: Yeah, I love that. I mean, it's one of my core ways of being that comes most naturally and feels best to me is creativity. So,
Bill: Yeah.
Marty: um. Yeah, I, I also just, you know, going back to this better alignment for you, better focus, taking the concern that this has to get back to leadership at some point off the table. really feels solid and good to me. To it, it feels like I'm. Because I've felt it, and I, you know, and I was concerned about it, and so I feel like I'm in better, we, it brings me into better sync with you,
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: a great feeling.
Bill: You, you're saying that you felt that concern of mine.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Oh, interesting.
Marty: I, I honestly couldn't have articulated it until you did, but I felt it. Yes.
Bill: Huh.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Well, let's pause this for just a second.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: to do here is just let's talk about not, I'm not proposing that we take the rest of the episode to talk about this because there's more questions I know, but we have listeners and, uh, I really wanna emphasize how important it is to have these kinds of completion processes, whether it's with another person in conversation, as you and I are having Marty, or in in written journaling forum, uh, or with a coach or therapist, but to.
To come to completion with what has been so that the, the, uh, the used capacity that has been required to, uh, invest in what has been so far can now be made available to what's next.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: So what you were just saying about, I notice, I notice that,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: and, and that brings you some relief as well. Now to know that that is no longer.
I wouldn't have used the word burden, but I'll use it now that that's no longer a burden.
Marty: it was like a buzz, a distraction, like just a thing in the space that I
Bill: exactly.
Marty: I couldn't even put my finger on what it was, and now feel it's gone.
Bill: And if you'd asked me, Hey, what's this thing that I'm feeling? I, I wouldn't have been able to point at it either.
Marty: Right.
Bill: Uh, yeah. Uh, eventually I, I would hope that. Had we continued with the Leadership coaching podcast and I, and I continued to feel that the, whatever, maybe discomfort or distraction of the concern,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: have eventually said something about it.
Like, it's, gosh, I wonder if there's a way to clear this up. Do we need to worry about whether or not this is, this is, uh, refined enough for leaders?
Marty: And I can tell you the exact moment when it, when it disappeared for me,
Bill: Okay.
Marty: it was when we, uh, this might have been a week and a half, two weeks ago when, when you and I were talking not on camera, um, or not being recorded, I
Bill: yeah. Yeah.
Marty: Um, and we, we. In a very short amount of time, like in 12 minutes time, having just brought up the possibility, we both got really clear on what the topic should be for the new one, and in that moment I felt that whatever that distracting, not quite sure what it is, buzz in the space, it disappeared.
Bill: Interesting. Yeah.
Marty: it just went, as they say, it went kaching.
Bill: Yes. This reminds me a bit too of, I'm not sure exactly what we're talking about here. I mean, there's, in other words, is there a name for this phenomenon? But, uh, if there is, I don't know what it is, so let me just give another example of it. Uh, I'll walk into the kitchen and have two or three different things going on, and I'll handle two of those three different things and then walk away with a feeling the feeling's not connected to clarity about what the feeling's about, but I know I'm missing something.
Something's off, something's incomplete,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: and. I might walk all the way back into my office or wherever it was that I was going after. I left the kitchen
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: then settle and relax, and then the thought pops up that says, well, what about that? What about that? What about that glass of water I was gonna get?
Marty: right, right.
Bill: it was? And then I'm going to go back, and that's a form of completion as well.
Marty: Absolutely.
Bill: just wanna name that, that somehow, whether it's our body, our psyche, or whatever it is, I, I, I don't think this is exclusive to me. I think that what I just described is probably something that we all experience, but I love that beyond the conscious mind, there is an awareness that, that recognizes when we're incomplete
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Bill: we can get curious and, and drop down inside and engage that.
That, whatever that is behind the, the conscious awareness that we have a far greater chance of completion and therefore accessing a re, uh, reclaiming the capacity that that is otherwise being used up by the incompletion.
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right, because ultimately completion is about getting back to that. Unconscious or in some traditions they would call it the conscious space, the space of consciousness in general. Not my mind's awareness, but the con, the, the great consciousness. Some people would call it God.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: would call it Shiva.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: Getting back to that, you could just say back to nature.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: Right. And, and that's why we complete is to get, get back to no, no busyness of mind about it, whatever
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: we're completing.
Bill: And I just heard that as get back to, or get to a place where more of my individual consciousness is aware of
Marty: Mm-hmm. Yes. Right. And, Yes, exactly. That's right. Yeah.
Bill: Nice.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Okay. I feel,
Marty: a next piece of the, sorry, finish your
Bill: oh, I was just gonna say I feel complete on that bit that I wanted to take it and I'll take from so that we could come back and, and here you are. You must have sensed it 'cause here we go.
Marty: Okay, good. that, that, um. Well, it really wasn't a detour at all. It was exactly what the process is about. So, um, you know, of the process of completing is to then look and see and be really authentic with oneself. Like is there anything that's still not quite, you know, that's still hanging on, still needs to be said, um, that, um, that might be difficult about leaving this behind. And one of the things for me, um, was I want, I wanted to be sure that there's a transition for people, for our listeners. 'cause this will be a different podcast. It's not like, um, you'll still go to the same link. This will be a new podcast.
Bill: right.
Marty: And so that was something that I was like, well, I'm not willing to let go
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: we're gonna lose all our listeners.
You know, I wanna make sure that, that they know how to find us in the new podcast,
Bill: Can we talk about that for a minute? Do you
Marty: please.
Bill: So, uh, the Leadership Coaching podcast page on my website will have a link to the True You Podcast. Uh. But there's gonna be other places that people go. Not everybody goes to my website to find this podcast. They're going to Spotify and, and Apple and iHeart and, and, and YouTube and, and I think Pocket Cast as well.
And, uh, so, uh, the thing to do there is initially at least just search for, uh, true You podcast. And we haven't even thought of the R yet, so I'm not gonna, I can't tell you what it's gonna look like when you find it, but it will say, true you podcast
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Uh, uh, although we've got this domain, we just picked up the domain within that 12 minutes that we, that we decided that we were gonna call the, that we were gonna have this as the topic and that we were gonna call it the True You Podcast.
I jumped on GoDaddy, grabbed the domain, but I haven't, I haven't activated it yet because I don't have a page yet on my website. But by the time most of you hear this, you can go to True You and it'll get you right into the episodes that are available and, and let you. Just jump right into Spotify, apple, iHeart, or pocket cast.
Marty: Yeah. Yeah. That was, that was just one of those things that I was like, well, I don't wanna let go if, you know, I, so, but now that that's, um, uh, explained and clarified, I'm complete with that part.
Bill: Yeah. Great, great. What else for you feels, uh, difficult con uh, concerning?
Marty: Well, one of the things we already cleared up that would've been in this category for me was like, oh, did I do something I don't know, pushy? Or did I, uh, was I not paying attention to your needs back when we decided to go the leadership route? And we've already talked
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: but that would've been something that would've had me hesitate, you know,
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: complete.
Bill: Yeah. Um, I'm, I'm curious if you had that concern before I brought it up today.
Marty: No.
Bill: Yeah. Good, good. Yeah, so, uh, and you feel complete about that now, just, just that came out of the conversation that we just have been having today. Okay.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: So concerning what my, my notes are, what is undone, what is, uh, unsaid?
What feels difficult, what are you concerned about? What worries might you have? Anything else along any of those categories for you?
Marty: Nothing else from me.
Bill: Okay, so now I'm just checking in for myself what feels undone. Nothing there I feel really good about. In fact, I feel really good about. Uh, and I know that we're gonna get into this. I believe one of your questions is something about what have I learned?
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Yeah, good. So I'll, I'll save that. Uh, lemme just say, I feel really good and, and, and without being too redundant, I just will say I feel so good about what we have done together here and what I've been able to accomplish and what I've learned that, uh, that it's enabled me to be this clear about what it is that I want and the direction that I wanted to go with the podcast.
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Bill: Had there been something in the space where I had felt pressured by you, that would've felt difficult to address. Uh, but it wasn't, it's, I mean, it, it, it wasn't even in the space to address. No, I can't find anything that I'm concerned about either.
Marty: Okay, great. Um, do you wanna say anything, uh, now or is that for another and place about why it would've been difficult to address if you had felt.
Bill: Oh, I have parts. Sure, let's talk about that. I have parts that when I, uh, when it's time for me to speak up
Marty: mm-hmm.
Bill: and, and say something that may not be completely aligned with what I've know about another person, or I've heard from that other person,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: parts of me get scared.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Uh, scared that it's going to invite conflict.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Because I mean, it's easy to understand why that is because in the household that I was brought up in, if, if I disagreed, then I put myself in danger. I was inviting conflict and ba basically lighting a match to a fuse that that was gonna blow. So as much work as I've done on that, uh, and as, and as much work as I've done to build a life now where I'm surrounded by people that are of like mind and, and who are safe.
Safe in that they, they can handle conflict, they can handle disagreement. Uh, they, they've demonstrated to me that they know how to stay in and respect and honor
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: like this, these young parts of me, they still have some young parts of me that are still scared. So that would've been difficult to, to deal with my own parts and re just, uh, reassure them that.
You know, Marty's my friend, we've had very many difficult conversations. We've gotten all the way through and the friendship has, has benefited from it. Uh, yeah, and still difficult.
Marty: Got it, got it. Great. Thanks for sharing that.
Bill: Thanks for asking.
Marty: So, um, is there anything to let go of in order to be complete? And, and, and if so, are you going to let it go? Anything to let go of?
Bill: Nothing's coming to me. No, it doesn't feel like I'm hanging on to anything.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: It doesn't feel like anything's gonna be going away that I must have, or I'm gonna miss.
How about you?
Marty: Same. Um, I, I think that the fact that this really just is even more focused on. What I consider the, the key to leadership anyway. I'm not really letting go of that, that interest. It's getting, it's getting more microscopic attention. Um, and the fact that our listenership is, um, informed about how to find us going forward. I don't feel like there's anything that I, that I need to let go of.
Bill: I just wanna comment that, uh, again, for the listener, that the completion that you and I are doing is a relatively easy completion, and yet it's still very important to do, to ask these questions and, and. And contemplate and really look inside like what's going on because we, we are multiple, we have many, many parts.
And while the majority of my parts are delighted about this, I may discover I'm still open to the possibility that I may discover that there are parts of me inside that are saddened by it or, uh, see it as some sort of a loss. I'm not finding any of that. This is the, the completion process is far more difficult.
Situations where. There's been an abrupt ending, an unpredictable ending, a rejection, uh, a disappointment, a discouragement, a failure. Uh, those, and, and it, I would say that in those situations it's even more critical to go through a process like this, but, but let's acknowledge that it's gonna be more difficult to, to have to, to complete like questions like what feels undone.
I'll give you an example. When I was 24 years old, I was running a grocery store. Six months be when I was given the job six months earlier, I was told the grocery store is going to close. We're hiring you to be the store manager to close this store because we've lost our lease. And in six months we're gonna close it down.
Your job bill is to make it as profitable as possible during that six months, or to, to reduce losses and, and to just oversee the store, uh, so that you don't, so our reputation is not ruined in the meantime. And, and that that was a big risk for them to take with a 24-year-old kid. Uh, and, and so I got that job.
I got a raise, I got the title store manager. I was so proud. So proud. And in my mind when the, when the company said to me, we are going to close the store in six months, I had a very dominant voice in my head that said, oh yeah, watch this. I was gonna do so well in that six months. That they would, they'd have to keep the store open.
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: I was so confident that I was gonna pull that off, that I even told the employees that, that's the plan.
Marty: Hmm. Good. Well,
Bill: Well, kind of not kind of good. It, it was good in that they all ga it got real engaged and fired up with me and they all, they all bought into the plan and I, I had a great plan and it really worked.
We doubled our volume over the next six months in, in sales. And then of course the company came back and said, well, it's time to close the store. Now. Our lease is expired. We have to be out by this particular date. And I felt so discouraged and disappointed and ashamed, guilty, and I mean all of this negative disempowering stuff.
The one that stuck with me for the next six years was resentment. I felt resentful that as good as I had done. That the company didn't recognize and reward me the way that I thought they should, so would've been really great had I been open to and had access to this process of, of completion at that, at that point.
Marty: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. The this, this is a very. Like you said, simple or smooth, uh, completion conversation for us, but the, the elements of it are there to take care of all situations where there might be a lot of things that need to be said to be complete even things that need to be done.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: To be
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: And so yes, this is, we're illustrating the process. Um, but it can, it can be, it can be much more and, and can entail a lot more, that's for sure. But even, even at that, I mean, it's, it's one of those things where like, even, even, um. If there you're not, I think of prayer, but I hope this example communicates.
But you know, even there, there's not something I'm praying for. It's worth connecting with completion, you know, with with the Holy Spirit and is, is the way I would say it. Um, if there's nothing to ask for or to say, it's just, it's good to be in that
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: of completion in this
Bill: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Re regardless of whatever your spiritual beliefs are, if you have a spiritual belief that in includes a higher power or a a, a God that, uh,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: might be, uh, it might benefit you to include, that's what I'm hearing from what you just shared, is that.
Marty: That's right. That's right. I mean, a lot of, a lot of, even corporate traditions begin with some sort of and end with some sort of completion process.
Bill: When we do our parts work, practice session, every, every, we do that four times a month, and it's a 90 minute session that we do to help to support people that wanna learn how to use the IFS model and get to know their parts. At the very beginning of each session, we have an internal meditation that's guided, and at the end of every session we have a closing meditation and, and I believe that's what you're pointing to.
Marty: Exactly. Yes. Okay. Um. So now we wanna just sort of acknowledge what, if anything, you've accomplished during this time that we've been doing the leadership coaching podcast. And that is now you we're completing on, you know, it might be the money that we made doing this, you know, or, um,
Bill: Where did you spend your $5?
Marty: Right. Or, you know, the, the awards that we've won for this five year. There might be other things that, that, that we can name that we've accomplished during this time and related to it.
Bill: I am looking over here to my left where I have a s another screen up and I wanna, I wanna just look at how many episodes did we record and launch By the time this is launched, I believe this will be episode number. 68, and there will be one more, uh, transition episode after this. It won't be a numbered episode.
Uh, but so we will have recorded and, and published 68 episodes of, of, uh, one of the two versions of the Leadership Coaching podcast,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: one that introduces the true self, or excuse me, the True You podcast. We've certainly accomplished that. You and I have formed, um, a very solid partnership, uh, where it feels like we have, uh, we know how to work with each other and, um, and, and, and it's been an efficient and productive partnership.
I would say
Marty: I agree.
Bill: that's the first two that come to mind for me. What about you? What, and the question is what's been accomplished? Is that right?
Marty: Yes. I mean, one of the things that CC comes up for me is we, you know, we got to B we got
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: Donald Glover and, you know, and, well, the, there were the, these people came, come, come and Leslie and a, a whole different the very.
Bill: Paula, Jeff, mark.
Marty: these different people, right? And so that I think was an accomplishment. 'cause it, it gave us both a chance to play with, you know, how the relevance of our focus in all these different conversations with all these different people from different backgrounds. And so I think that's an accomplishment because it. feels like it, it, we are, we're not just talking to ourselves in a bubble about this thing. We, we've bounced it off of a lot of different kinds of other people and, and, and their accomplishments and, and it's, we've learned from that.
Bill: We certainly have, and and I, I, I just wanna take this time to thank each, each of them individually. Uh, so I'm gonna just go through the list here. Our first guest was Laurie Chancey. And that was back on, uh, November 29th. And, uh, so Lori, thank you for being on the show. And, uh, and then it went to Robert Glover.
Uh, and that was back in February of, uh, a year ago, February 21st. Thank you, Robert, for being on the show. By the way, to date, that is the most watched, listened to episode that we've had. Uh, and, and when we have guests on the show, we have more listening than when we don't. Uh. So then we had Meredith Banka,
Marty: Right
Bill: uh, we had Hans Phillips.
Marty: all.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, by the way, Meredith, thanks for being on the show, Hans. Thanks for being on the show. Stephanie Mitchell, thanks for being on the show. Stephanie and Hans were in in March of last year. Uh, then we had Jeff Lofton and Mark that came on The Undaunted Man. They came on for a couple of episodes.
And, uh, then Ryan saw your joined us.
Marty: Right.
Bill: on a roll there for a while.
Marty: he was a great
Bill: Yes. Thank you, Ryan, for being on the show. Uh, let's see. Then we kind of slowed down with our, our guest and one of the things I'm excited about in the next uh, uh, yep. And
Marty: you.
Bill: the true podcast is, is that we wanna have, and I believe that we will more easily be able to get guests, uh, guests, um, that, that are interested in talking about their personal story and, uh, how they help maybe how they help other people to reclaim and recover true self.
Marita Che, uh, thank you for being on our podcast, Paula. Thank you for being on our podcast. And Nora, absolutely thank you for being on our podcast. And then I think the last guest that we had was Alina, and thank you for being on the podcast. Interestingly, uh, now everyone had from our, our mastermind group, with the exception of our new newest member, which we'll have to have on the new next podcast, has been a, a guest
Marty: And he'd be a good one for the
Bill: you would.
He would. Okay. So as far as what's been accomplished, anything else, uh, come to mind for you?
Marty: No, I, that's, that's, that part is complete for me. Um. The next, the next piece is, so are you going to declare this, this podcast complete? other declarations might you wanna make at this time?
Bill: Well, I, yeah, absolutely am declaring this podcast complete, uh, while acknowledging that we're still working on the transition episode that'll be coming out, uh, the week after this one has been released. But, uh, it's already been recorded. We're just now, uh, mastering it. So I declare the leadership podcast co, uh, the the Leadership coaching podcast.
Marty: Great, and, and I think we've made some declarations of sorts along the way here today. Like I. Um, the, we've declared what the theme of the new one is going to be, and, uh, we've also declared that we wanna have more guests and we've, um, what else have we that we've declared that there's an even alignment between, um. Uh, our, our fields in this new topic. So tho those are some of the other things that I would say we've, we are declaring here today at the completion of the Leadership Coaching
Bill: Mm-hmm. I also wanna declare you as IFS informed, by the way. There's a difference between if FS trained and IFS informed, but you are, uh, you're a coach. Uh, you are IFS informed. In other words, you really get that we are multiple, that we have a true self, that our parts sometimes need our help.
Marty: Yeah.
Bill: Yeah.
Marty: Yeah. Well, and, and just to be, um, totally disclosed, being in the a CA 12 step program has. Contributed to that. 'cause it's, it's, it is part of that program to look at your younger parts and, um, and to facilitate their completion and returning to
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: So that, that just, you know, that's definitely 'cause I think about it, you know, what the things that I learned from you, I think about in that setting and vice versa. So it's, it's, that has definitely deepened my understanding of, uh, without, you know, getting the IFS training per se, but being an a CA has helped with that.
Bill: Yeah. Clearly you get it.
Marty: Okay. What tools or skills or new possibilities or openings are available to us now that we are complete with the, with the old podcast? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Bill: people that we haven't met yet before for guests and, and as listeners,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: uh, people that, like you and I, are on this path of personal development and committed to it.
Every year I meet people that, that make a huge difference in my life, and, and I think this is gonna welcome in some new people.
Marty: Yes. I just also say, you know, and I thank you mostly for this, we've become much more fluent at podcasting. Like it's a skill we didn't have.
Bill: That's right.
Marty: we did the first one, and
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Marty: we've got some fluency. We, we, we, we've perfected our invitations and the way we set up the guests and, and, uh, the, the, the music and the, the, the medium that we use, the platform that we use.
All of these are skills about podcasting that we've learned.
Bill: That's right. That's right. And something that you probably don't know is that, that the, not your typical leadership coaching podcast that you and I first started doing a little over a year ago. I. Uh, was my third attempt at a podcast, uh, several years ago before I had the technology and the knowhow. I was meeting up with people in coffee shops, uh, with the idea that I might be able to just record on my iPhone conversations that we were having about their recovery.
And while I enjoyed some amazing conversations with those people. When I went to render the recordings and put them on a podcast, the quality was so bad that, uh, that it was almost impossible to, to tolerate listening to all the background noise. I. That that was, oh, that was, oh, louder than even the conversation.
So that never came into fruition. Uh, the next attempt that I had was when I was meeting up with a radio personality from here in Spokane, uh, who was transitioning out of radio and into her next career. But in the meantime, she and I worked together. She was doing some social media for me. Uh. And, uh, and, and we recorded several e episodes for a podcast, but never really got it launched.
It never really went anywhere. So this, this is, we, you and I have enjoyed far more success than I've had before. I think that you and I are standing on the back of the broken back of me, uh, as I tried to these first two times. Thanks.
Marty: Oh gosh. Well, I didn't know about that. That's good to hear. Um, just two more questions. I don't think that these are, that they, they'll be pretty smooth, but the, the, the first is just, is there anything else to say to each other, to our audience or to anybody else? Right to have this really be totally complete.
Bill: I am really,
Marty: else we need to say anything to or to each other
Bill: I wanna thank,
Marty: audience?
Bill: my virtual assistant, Ari. She's been amazing. Uh, you know, there's like, you and I didn't know how to do a podcast. Well, she didn't either, but, uh, she's young, she's bright, and she's very, uh, eager and teachable. And so I said, here's what we wanna do. Can you do it? And she said, Nope, but I'll find out.
And she, she's figured out every step of the way. So I really wanna acknowledge Ari for the, the great work that she's done to get us this far and the great work that she continues to do to get us, get us this, uh, next episode, or this next podcast launched.
Marty: Thank you for thanking her.
Bill: Yeah.
Marty: Absolutely. She's invaluable to us and I, I just want, I wanna thank you, you know, for. The way that you lead the conversation. Um, um, there's a, uh. There's a, just a welcoming, a generosity. Like no matter what I might bring are, um, you're okay with it and willing to make gold out of it.
You're, you're an alchemist, you make gold out of some very lead moments that I might bring or, or, you know, helium moments, you, you. have this balancing equipoised power, and I appreciate
Bill: Oh, what, how, how nice is that to hear? That's great. And I, I gotta think IFS for that. Uh, that's not the guy that I was before I was introduced to IFS nine years ago,
Marty: Mm-hmm.
Bill: uh, which has taught me how to be. Uh, curious. And now that I say that, I, I wanna also acknowledge my son Billy, who's been improvising for the last, uh, th 24 years and has taught me how to improvise, which is one of the greatest skills for coaching, is to just be ready for things to change and to say yes to it in some way.
And so I think, I think that's what you've noticed.
Marty: Yes, yes. Thank you for that.
Bill: And thank you for you being my cohost and, and, uh, you know, you and I have have so much in common, and yet we have such, uh, distinctions in our personalities. Uh, you're highly intellectual academic thinker. Uh, love your technical writing. Uh, and, uh, and, and it just feels like a real honor to have you as co-host on the, on the podcast.
Marty: Thank you. Thank you. The last piece of the completion process is just to say what, what's, what are your next actions? What, what, what now?
Bill: Well, in 14 minutes I'm gonna have a men's group, so I'm gonna keep this really close. The next thing is the True You Podcast.
Marty: Absolutely I, that's all I would wanna say myself is join us for the True You podcast. That's our next action.
Bill: Check, uh, show notes for some details about that. By the time this podcast gets uh, posted and you're listening to it, you'll be able to find out everything that you need to know about how to find the True You podcast and how to find Marty and how to find me. Thanks again, Marty.
Marty: Thank you, bill.