IFS Consultation for Coaches and Practitioners

Are you an IFS Coach or Practitioner interested in improving your skills?

Join a group of coaches and practitioners who are deeply motivated to serve their clients using the IFS model.

As a member of the IFS Practitioner Consulting Group, you will:

  • Increase your confidence as an IFS coach or practitioner

  • Learn how to find flow and rhythm in your sessions

  • Discover how to create safety and trust in sessions

  • Master the art of client results

“After 40 years of therapy, and even becoming a therapist myself, IFS showed me a doorway I needed to enter. But at first I couldn't find the key. Bill Tierney’s unique approach of IFS-informed life coaching invited me into a loving relationship with my own parts and completely demystified this powerful system. He is kind, insightful, and a joy to work with.”

-Jerry Waxler, MS, LPC author of How I Learned to Love the World

I’ve been using IFS in my coaching practice since 2019, and have developed a method to support my coaching clients in individual sessions and groups using the Internal Family Systems model.

I created the IFS Coaches and Practitioners Consultation Group in response to requests from IFS trained and informed coaches and practioners (including therapists) who hired me to support them in their personal development, healing, and growth.

They all discovered that IFS works best in an environment where parts feel seen, heard, understood, and appreciated. Creating and sustaining this environment helps clients get the results they want.

Coaches and Practitioners are seeking guidance beyond their initial IFS training because as they have begun to use IFS in their practice, they realize there is so much more to learn.

Learn by Doing

Every Session

Practice using the model

  • Your skills as a coach or practitioner improve as you actively use the model with on the spot feedback and guidance.

Group Discussion and Q&A

  • Participate in a rich dialogue among fellow practioners where you can learn from one another and gain new skills and insights.

Step 1

Complete the application

Step 2

I will review your application. If approved, you will be invited to a 20 minute personal interview to complete your application.

Step 3

If we agree this is a good fit, I will provide you next steps including start date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the intention for the group?

To provide consultation and practice to coaches and practitioners who have been trained in the IFS model.

How will this group help participants?

By practicing facilitation of the model, by observing others in their practice, by offering yourself as a client so others can practice, and by bringing your questions to group discussions, you will improve your familiarity, comfort, intuition, and ease with the model while healing and developing Self-leadership. You can’t expect your clients to do more than you have been willing to do. Nor can you expect your clients to trust you to help them heal and grow. Participation in this group will help you develop Self-leadership so you can model it and help your clients do the same.

How will this be accomplished?

In each session, I will help you practice presence using the IFS model. Awareness of your own parts and knowing what to do when they are activated will take you from an intellectual understanding of the model to and intuitive sense of it. When facilitation of the model is Self-led, it flows easily. Each session will include both practice and group discussion. By combining your current knowledge and experience of the model with my ideas and experiences as well as those of your peers, your confidence and effectiveness will expand and grow.

Who is the group for?

This group is for coaches and practitioners who have been trained in the IFS model.

What will happen in the group?

Each session is 90 minutes long. Groups meet most weeks on the same day and time and meet three times a month (I will post a schedule at least 30 days in advance). Participants agree to confidentiality and other safety protocols which make it possible to experience the discomfort of learning and trying something new. 

o    Sessions begin with a guided internal check-in.

o    Approximately half the remaining time will be spent with questions and group discussion, the other half in breakout rooms practicing the model.

o    Sessions begin and end on time.

o    There is no required homework but participants are provided with content and exercises that will support their experience.

Are there prerequisites for joining the group?

Each participant is asked to have a 20 minute conversation with me to determine readiness and fit. If you have not yet been trained in the IFS model, this consultation group is not for you.

What are the commitments when joining the group?

The initial commitment is for three months. Participants are asked to provide 30-days notice when they intend to exit the group.

The initial cost is $750 for the first three months. After that, clients prepay for each month by the first day of the month at $250 per month.

Do participants get a discount on 1:1 sessions?

Yes. Individual clients who are not in groups pay $250 to $300 for individual coaching or consultation depending on their coaching package.

Consultant group participants can schedule up to one individual session per month at a discounted rate of $225. Additional 1:1 sessions will be invoiced at $275.

When does the group start and meet?

The group begins on October 10. This start date may be delayed if there are not at least three registered and paid participants.

Sessions are on Zoom and are held on Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Pacific time.

Groups will remain open to new participants until the group size reaches 8.

Group Fees


After your initial three month commitment of $750.

Group consultation participants are offered a reduced rate of $225 for the first individual 55-minute coaching session per month to supplement their group experience. Additional sessions offered at $275.